Having a Well-Trained Dog Reduces Stress
While most people would agree that dogs help reduce stress, this typically applies to well-behaved pups. What about for the people who have a pooch that is unruly and is always making a mess? Well, all hope is not lost for them, and they too can have a well-trained dog that fills their life with laughter and joy. It really is true that dog is man’s best friend, but sometimes it just takes a bit of extra effort to train a pup to behave properly. Here are some ways that dogs can reduce stress and how a dog trainer can help with strengthening the bond between pet and pet parent.
Dogs Are Good for People’s Health
There are various studies that have shown the physical benefits of owning a dog. Research published in the Journal of Social Psychology, and researchers at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center have found that dog owners have a lower risk of heart disease, decreased stress levels, and live longer on average than non-dog owners.
While pooches can lower a person’s stress response and heart rate, these animals also encourage their owners to be more active. This gets them out of the house, up on their feet, and even meeting new people while out and about. All of these factors combine to create a higher quality of life than individuals who don’t own a dog. There’s a reason that colleges bring therapy dogs to the school during exam week; it calms the students down and gets them in a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind. In addition, dogs make great companions for some elderly folks, especially those that spend a lot of time alone.
The Difference Between Untrained and Well-Trained Dogs
All that being said, if a pup is particularly naughty or has just never had proper training or socialization , then they can become more of a burden than a stress reliever. Just like children, doggies need some instruction to be an enjoyable addition to the family, too. Dog training isn’t something that owners do just so they can show off their pet’s tricks. Rather, training and socialization are basic needs for a dog, and without them, a pup can be unhappy, frightened, and can develop behavior problems.
Training a dog shouldn’t be an afterthought, but a necessary and important part of owning a pooch. Fortunately, there are dog trainers in any local area that can assist with establishing good habits and critical learning, both for dogs and their parents. Contrary to popular belief, even old dogs can learn new tricks, it just takes a bit more time and effort.
How a Dog Trainer Can Eliminate Stress
Doggies may be cute and cuddly, but they are still animals, and there can be a disconnect between them and their human counterparts. Dog trainers can help with bridging that gap, creating a closer, more enjoyable bond between owners and their pets. Many dog trainers use positive reinforcementto help pups learn everything from potty and crate training to cool tricks.
As any parent of an infant will know, potty training can be tough. A trainer will have plenty of tips to streamline this process and make it as smooth of a transition as possible. They can do the same thing with crate training and getting a dog to walk properly on a leash. This keeps everyone safe and develops more trust between the pooch and their owner. Moreover, a trainer can make the entire training process go much faster, freeing up more time for owners to enjoy time with their dogs. This eliminates a lot of trial and error and transforms a dog into a safe, obedient, and loving pup much sooner.