It is fair to say
that few things are a more universal source of joy than dogs. No matter who you
are or what your background may be, you can be sure that you’re surrounded by
dog lovers.
After all, dogs have the potential to brighten up even the darkest days. However your day might have gone, you can count on your furry friend to give you a warm welcome when you come home. Sure, they may want a treat or two for their trouble, but isn’t it worth it?
Of course it is – because our dogs give us the kind of unconditional love which we all need.
For as much as they give us, it’s only fair that we give them something back. Running with your dog can be a great way to bond with them while giving them a chance for some much-needed exercise
This guide can help you make the most of your exercise together.
Make Sure They Have Energy
You don't want your dog to be starving or too full before the run. If you need to give them a small and healthy snack.
Warm up
From sprinters to baseball players and everyone in between, athletes always need to warm up before they start sprinting. The same holds true for dogs. Five to 10 minutes of light to brisk walking should be enough to get your pet limbered up and ready to run.
Build Their Endurance
You would be unwise to go from not being much of a runner to taking on the New York Marathon overnight. The same principle holds true for your dog. If they are new to running, they’ll need some time to build up their endurance. Try starting with a few minutes and work your way up gradually.
Professional help can be of great assistance here. For example, a certified dog trainer in Naples can help create an exercise regimen for you and your pet that includes running, including a graduated pace for increasing the amount of exercise you do together.
Be Vigilant
As a pet owner, you need to always be vigilant for any sign that your four-legged friend may be in a bit of distress. If it looks like your furry friend is, well, “dogging it” out there, either as the result of exhaustion or injury, it’s up to you to be aware of that. Don’t push your pet beyond its limits. At the first sign of trouble, stop, take it easy, and contact your trainer and – if it’s serious enough – your vet.
Pause Over Paws
When we go running,
we tend to wear special shoes. But our furry friends don’t. It can be painful
running in dress shoes or pumps – imagine what it would be like to go for a run
across hot pavement with no shoes at all. You need to be extremely mindful of
and pay close attention to the condition of your dog’s paws. If the
temperature’s blistering hot, going for a run over asphalt, cement, or sandy
surfaces can be a nightmare for them. Purchasing a good pair of dog running shoes
can help protect their paws while running.
If your four legged friend shows any sign of favoring one or more of their paws, stop immediately and check on them. Also, consider using some healing hemp paw balm to sooth heal and protect.
With this guide, you and your dog can get the most out of your running time together.
For some really fun sniffing exercises check this post:
Happy Sniffing: How You and Your Dog can Enjoy Nose Work. I guarantee that you'll get some great exercise while having fun with your dog.