Despite all our differences, few things unite us across borders and beliefs more than our beautiful beloved bark machines. Whether you own a tinyShih-Tzu or massive Great Dane or anything in between, the important thing is that you’re lucky enough to be a dog owner. Cute, friendly, dependable, loyal -- dogs really are man’s best friend and your relationship with your four-legged friend is bound to be one of the most rewarding
in your entire life.
You love your dog and so want to make sure it stays in good health during the long hot summer months. For as much as we all love fun in the sun, the heat that comes with it can be hard on our canine companions. That’s why you’ll want to heed the advice of the best dog trainer
in Naples and apply these quick and easy tips for helping your dog stay cool during the long hot summer.
A Matter of Timing
When walking your dog during the summer months, timing is critical. To keep your dog cool, you’ll want to be sure to try and arrange walks then the sun isn’t directly overhead and when temperatures are cooler.
One of the most important things to remember when it comes to protecting your dog from the summer sun is that it isn’t just the heat beating down on its back and body that can be difficult. You know how hot the pavement can get
during the summer. Now imagine having to walk on that with bare feet. Dog foot pads and sizzling hot sidewalks don’t mix. If it’s extremely hot and you’re traveling over asphalt, cement sidewalks, or similar terrain, it may be best to just skip bringing your dog altogether.
Ice Packs and Wet Towels
If you do bring your dog, you’ll want to make sure that it can cool its paws. The best way to do this is to bring along ice packs and wet towels
that you can lay down for it. In addition, those towels can be draped over its body to help it beat the heat that way. Take breaks, take it slow, and make sure that it has ample time to cool its paws. If it seems as if your dog is struggling, don’t force it to continue.
Seek Out Shade
You’ll also want to be sure to seek out some shade. The less direct sunlight that you and your dog have to experience on long walks, the better.
Bring Water and Cool Treats
Summertime walks can dehydrate your dog, and fast. You thus want to bring along cool water and a collapsible water dish so it can stay hydrated. You can also bring along refrigerated treats. It can thus be a good idea to invest in a thermos or other insulating container that can keep water or treats cool while you’re out walking.
You love your dog and would hate for it not to get the exercise that it needs. That said, you also don’t want it to suffer in the scorching sun. With these tips, you and your dog can beat the heat together.